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Terms & Conditions

Modern Slavery

Plamil considers that all children, without exemption, should enjoy childhood free from slavery. Having a ‘childhood’ is a fundamental building block of personal and societal development. Childhood should be developmental time of freedom, security, love, learning, receiving and giving.  This comes with a financial cost that Plamil expects.  Many companies may in effect ‘subsidise’ their more ethical or certified cocoa with the use of uncertified cocoa.

Plamil has a commitment to never knowingly use or source ingredients or products that result from child labour (such as defined by UNICEF) or from forced or exploitative adult labour.

Plamil only purchases certified cocoa, such as Rainforest Alliance or Organic in which policies are in place that are against the use of forced child labour.

Plamil gathers and is reliant on information from suppliers regarding their labour policies. We expect that all suppliers follow the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, which encompasses: Child labour is not used, Employment is freely chosen, Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining is respected (where lawful), Working conditions are safe and hygienic, Living wages are paid, Working hours are not excessive, No discrimination is practised, Regular employment is provided, No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed, Gender equality is practised.

Plamil produce our own chocolate to the highest Vegan standards. Made in the UK, production is BRC start, Vegan & Kosher certified.

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